Ready to change your life?
The Eastern Kentucky Runway Program is your chance to change your trajectory — for the better. If you qualify, you’ll be trained, coached, and connected with competitive-paying work right here in our region. Best part is, you’ll be doing work that uses your innate skills and talents to uplift yourself, your family, and your community.
Qualifications to apply for the Eastern Kentucky Runway Program
Seeking residents of 12 Eastern Kentucky counties
Only 12 counties in Eastern Kentucky qualify for the benefits and services of the Eastern Kentucky Runway Program. If you live in one of these 12 counties and match the other qualifications, you should apply for this program today!
Don’t qualify? You should still apply!
If you live in Eastern Kentucky, but don’t live in one of the 12 qualifying counties or match the other qualifying criteria, you should still apply for the program. Shaping Our Appalachian Region has other programs that can help you in similar ways.
Apply for the Eastern Kentucky Runway Program today
We know that every good endeavor — even the simplest ones — pursued in response to your calling, can matter forever. The Eastern Kentucky Runway Program is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work hard at a career you’re uniquely built for. It’s the American Dream: Long-term economic stability for your family, your community, and your region.